Caroline Wagner
Mental Fitness Coach“I understand the high demands on executives and senior leaders as I have worked in these positions myself. This is why I am well equipped to help others achieve their goals.”
My story
Caroline Wagner is a leadership and mental fitness coach, and a senior human resource, leadership and organisational development executive with extensive Australian and international experience in manufacturing, engineering, mining, finance, Not For Profit and both State and Federal government.
Caroline is a certified coach and has a Graduate Diploma in Psychology and is accredited to use numerous personality assessment tools such as LSI, Core Strengths, MBTI and Hogan.
Caroline works with leaders to develop their own leadership style and improve their mental fitness which has an impact on their ability to reach peak performance, discover peace of mind/wellness and create and maintain healthy relationships.
Caroline is driven by a passion for empowering others to achieve their potential and goals.
My skills & qualifications
Monash University – Graduate Diploma in Psychology
MBTI and MBTI Extended version – Accredited Coach
Behavioural Coaching Institute – Executive Coach
NeuroLeadership Institute – Brain-Based Coaching
Human Synergistic LSI / GSI
Centre of Creative Leadership 360 Degree Feedback Instruments
A Professional Certified Member of the Australian HR Institute (CAHRI)
Positive Intelligence Coach
ICF Accredited Coach
Want to know more?
If you want to learn more about my coaching programs and learn to thrive in challenging times by improving your mental fitness, contact me today.